We specialize in offering comprehensive, turn-key solutions for a wide range of green building certifications, ensuring your projects meet the highest sustainability standards. Our expertise spans LEED, WELL, GRIHA, IGBC, EDGE, and various local green building standards.
- LEED® for New Construction (BD+C)
- LEED® for Commercial Interiors (CI)
- LEED® for Core and Shell (CS)
- LEED® for Operations & Maintenance (O+M)
- LEED® for Neighborhood Development (ND)
- LEED® for Retail
- LEED® Zero
- LEED® Volume
- EDGE Certification
WELL Building Standard:
- WELL Building Standard
- WELL at Scale
- Health-Safety Rating
Local Green Building Standards:
- Australia Green Star
- India Green Building Council (IGBC)
- GRIHA (Green Rating for Integrated Habitat Assessment)
- ASSOCHAM GEM (Green and Eco-friendly Movement)
LEED evaluates buildings against a wide range of environmental and sustainability issues, covering seven categories:
- Sustainable Sites
- Water Efficiency
- Energy & Atmosphere
- Materials & Resources
- Indoor Environmental Quality
- Innovation in Design
- Regional Priority
Green Building Certification